
This morning I logged onto my blog and the little stat number greeting me was 5000.

I have had 5000 views on my blog. Wow!

That means that people around the world think that what I have to say is interesting enough to have logged on to my blog 5000 times. I can’t even begin to express how amazing that is or how much that means to me.

I’ve had so many ups and downs along the way, but people have kept reading. Sometimes I’ve been really proud of my achievements, but sometimes I’ve disappointed myself and yet people have kept reading. I’ve come some way along this journey, but still have quite a way to go. People have kept reading.

All your lovely comments of advice and encouragement along the way have made such a difference and have meant so much.

I just wanted to say thank you.

Thank You to every single person who’s taken time out of their day to read about my life and encourage me. Your readership has been invaluable to me.

Thank You.


PS: Happy Friday! 🙂