The Lurgies. Again.

I spent the whole of last week struck down with some severe “lurgies”! I was not happy. It meant I couldn’t do my usual gym routine, I didn’t eat properly, I felt terrible and I even had to miss a friend’s birthday party. Very uncool.

What bothered me the most, was the fact that when I told people that I was ill, a lot of people responded with the following: “Sick? Again?” This really got me thinking, and it’s true, I’m constantly sick. This time around it was a throat infection and when I asked the doctor what could’ve caused it, he told me that it was probably caused by stress or just a low immune system. Well, if that’s the case, I’ve seriously got to start doing something about it. I don’t want people to think I’m this sickly weakling….

So, I’ve been googling some stuff (you know, as you as do….DIY Diagnosis), and I found the following article…..

It’s 10 ways to boost your immune system and I really think I should give it a go. There are some interesting points, for example, cutting out sugar & coffee. Now I know I can cut out sugar, but not the coffee, so I might only have one coffee a day, but with no sugar?! Perhaps if I even just pick a few of the things, I might start feeling a little better.

It seems as if every time I start out really healthy and exercising regularly, there’s always some kind of ailment that stops me in my tracks, and I’m done with it! Another question might be….is it my subconscious that’s creating these illnesses so that I don’t have to exercise? Or maybe it’s fate telling me that I should really be a fatty! 😉 But that’s a whole other discussion!

In the meantime, I’m going to make a concerted effort to try these immune boosting tips…